Zingiber officinale

Zingiber officinale

sliced ginger

the plant: a tropical perennial with a large, fleshy spreading underground rhizomaticstem that sends up vertical shoots around 12" tall in spring, with long, narrow lily-like leaves and white or yellow flowers. Likes regular moisture, well drained soil, part-sun and warm temperate to tropical climates. Can propagate by planting sprouting piece of rhizome. Native to Asia, Ginger is now grown in most tropical countries, especially Jamaica, who produces ultra-high quality, and India, who produces half the ginger of the world.

parts used: rhizome.

medicinal actions: stimulant, carminative, antispasmodic, diaphoretic, anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory, emmenagogue.

preparation: many! fresh infused or decocted as tea or concentrate, juiced; grated in food; dried & powdered; candied in syrup or honey, pickled in vinegar or sherry.

ginger with leavesginger flowers

indications: a spicy, warming, aromatic spice famous for relieving nausea & indigestion, warming the body, and promoting appetite. In this way ginger is a potential remedy for motion sickness, flatulence, and chemotherapy-induced nausea.

As an anti-inflammatory circulatory tonic, ginger may provide relief from rheumatoid arthritis, joint or muscle pain, & bad circulation or cramps - taken internally or applied as a poultice.

As a diaphoretic, ginger can bring on a good sweat to help progress a fever, with its antimicrobial powers helping to fight off an invading cold or flu.The relaxing effect of ginger on the abdominal area can also relieve cold menstrual cramps and promote menstruation.

Ginger has been used around the world as one of the most versatile herbs for medicine, food, and food preservative for thousands of years. Traditional Asian medicine uses it in varied forms for for all constitutions,and differentiates the medicinal qualities of dried and fresh ginger - dry being warmer and more stimulating, and fresh being more diaphoretic, antimicrobial and grounding.

ginger rhizome

contraindications: Large doses may affect blood-clotting in immune compromised people; use caution with dosage for nausea during pregnancy.

note: This information is not a replacement for a trained herbalist. Please consult your medical professional before treating yourself or others with this or any other herbal remedy.




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